Monday, August 20, 2007


A few hours ago, we wrapped the Atrox leg of the Interplanetary shoot. This is good news. It means we're now officially more-than-halfway-done with shooting. And it means we're through building sets. Not to say that location shooting will be easy. But it'll be different.

Many thanks to everybody who helped the project get this far, especially Sly, Trap, George, Steve, John, and Stacey, who were there today for the last Atrox hurrah.

Here we are shooting one of today's many Sly-in-action shots...

And here's John, looking over today's massive (for us, at least) shot list...


Unknown said...

Woohoo! So how late did you guys go??

Chance Shirley said...

Around 9 p.m., I think. I know Stacey, John, and I were all enjoying a beer at Rojo by 10.

Anonymous said...

had i known you were shooting, i've have totally driven to Atrox straight from the airport. i could've made it there by at least 8pm! then i'd have my name in the blog! sort of like now, but on the front page!

congrats on finishing up at the hotbox!