Thursday, September 13, 2007

"Other Worlds Than These" episode 001.

001: The Treatment.

The Treatment is one of many free podcasts available from National Public Radio. If you're not familiar with podcasts, the Wikipedia Podcast page will get you up to speed.

On the surface, The Treatment is just another 30-minute movie-centric interview show. But host Elvis Mitchell is a great interviewer. He knows enough about movies to ask interesting and pertinent questions to the guest of the week, whether it's a director, writer, actor, producer, or composer. And, as there is only one guest per show, Mitchell has time to ask the questions most interviewers don't get around to.

I've heard so many good Treatment interviews, it's hard to say where you should start. This one with director Danny Boyle (Sunshine, Trainspotting) is excellent. And here's a good chat with Incredibles and Ratatouille mastermind Brad Bird.

Plenty more interviews, along with subscription (don't forge -- it's free) information, are available on The Treatment page at

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