Sunday, January 6, 2008

"Things..." episode 017.

017: Edit while you shoot.

If you're on one of those crazy ten or twelve-day feature-film shooting schedules, you probably aren't going to have much time for editing during principal photography. As I'm on the every-other-weekend-forever shooting schedule for Interplanetary, I don't have much of an excuse for waiting almost a year to get seriously into editing. Well, I'll count as excuses the day job and all the pre-production that goes on the 26 days a month we're not filming.

So, I guess the real trick would be to have an editor for your movie who isn't involved in day-to-day production. On a low-budget project, this would be difficult, but not impossible.


tspeaker said...

(clears throat)

Chance Shirley said...

I know, I know -- I'm an idiot! I had forgotten about Ted's kind offer to do some editing work for Interplanetary. I should write a "Things..." episode about keeping a list of all the people who offer to help you with stuff, so you don't forget to take them up on said offers.

tspeaker said...

and don't forget i also want to help with titles. and i have no time for any of this. but i will still try to do it.

Unknown said...

available as well

Anonymous said...

I'd do it. I'm good too. You don't know me though...