Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wrap day?

Still worn out from Sunday, which was the final day of Interplanetary principal photography. I think. We had some effects problems, which sucks because Trap and I actually spent some time testing out the effects ahead of time. Apparently, when it comes to using sparkler fireworks for simulating small rocket exhaust, all brands are not created equal.

And then there were a couple of afternoon thunderstorms. Rainy days on Mars. So we didn't get all the shots I wanted, but I think the ones we missed can be moved to the "pick-up" list. I'll know better after I get the footage back from the lab.

Here's actor Scott Ross in an interior scene we shot while waiting for the rain to clear...

And here's the rain as viewed from inside my truck...


Andrew Bellware said...

Waa-hoo! Hooray!

Last day of principal!


Ryan Marlow said...

Congrats! Now you only have 100+ hours of editing left. Woot!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Sorry about the rain, we prayed for it since the garden is brown. I don't suppose there were Terrafarmers on Mars Base 2?