Monday, July 20, 2009's full of stars.

And the day just keeps getting better.

Check it out: our first 5-star review.

David Cornelius, writing for, says Interplanetary is "...what all B-movies should want to be: audacious, intelligent, and start-to-finish entertaining, a slice of genius standing in bold defiance of the budget."


Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! That rocks! Thank you much Mr. Cornelius with! I loved every minute of working on Interplanetary and would be proud of Crewless and every one involved with it regardless of the reviews, but I must admit that it sure warms the heart to read one like this! Thank you sir for taking the time to write with specificity the way you did! And thank you Chance and gang for making life on Earth a ridiculous amount of fun for a while! :)

Sanford said...

Wow! Thank you, for the kind words, David!
I agree whole heartedly with Mia!