Thursday, February 14, 2008

Catching up.

I'm now only one week behind on "Things..." and "Other Worlds Than These" posts.


Just finally sort of getting caught up at the day job. And just about to finally get back on Interplanetary production.

We took January off so I could get caught up on post-production (didn't really happen--see previous complaints about day job) and so our pal Mike Harring could borrow the Crewless Aaton to shoot his first feature (did happen--see Mike's blog).

But Trap's been making phone calls and getting things moving. So, with any luck, we might film some more before February's over.

1 comment:

Mike Harring said...

A pleasure to use the Crewless Aaton, I'm just sorry I had to give it back! ; )

Thanks again Chance!