Thursday, February 4, 2010

Looking like a busy year. (Maybe.)

So a couple of my filmmaking pals stopped by the house last night, and we started planning a secret movie project that will be completed sooner rather than later. Hopefully. Plus I'm talking to some other folks about another feature film, two short films, and a music video (not necessarily in that order). Plus I need to start sending Interplanetary out to distributors.

Oh, and I'm already thinking about my next feature-length screenplay. Which I would like to turn into a feature-length movie at some point.

If even half this stuff comes to pass, it'll be a productive year. Of course, there is always the possibility that none of it will come to pass. Such is life in the no budget filmmaking lane.

If you're interested in this glamourous profession, my pal Andrew has the only filmmaking advice you need.

1 comment:

Andrew Bellware said...

Ha! What most people don't realize is that the part of that post that's the most important is: you gotta make movies that have GIRLS WITH GUNS! ;-)