Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Zombie strippers.

John and Wade both told me about this trailer...


Who do these guys think they're fooling? Everybody knows we invented zombie strippers in Hide and Creep. Actually, Carl Ross invented them on the roof of the Redmont one night during a film festival party, and I wrote them into the screenplay. But still.

Seems like this would be a good time for somebody to rerelease Hide and Creep with the tag line "The Original zombie stripper movie."


Nick T said...

wow, is that for real?

chance, you gettin some intellectual property royalties outta them?

man, they'll make a movie out of ANYTHING these days...next thing you know, they'll be shooting a film about aliens on Mars attacking a corporate outpost....ha!


Chance Shirley said...

Yep, it's for real.

And, yep, they will make a movie out of anything these days...

Unknown said...

But in "Hide & Creep" weren't they lesbians too?? I think that tops plain ole' zombie strippers any day!

Carl Ross said...

Thanks for the props! Of course, I didn't think you'd actually listen to me. Kudos to you for pullin' it off in fine style!

Chance Shirley said...

George -- I think most folks would agree that lesbian zombie strippers are better than standard zombie strippers. Whether any of the titular Zombie Strippers are lesbians remains to be seen.

Carl -- when somebody comes up with an idea as good as lesbian stripper zombies, they get my undivided attention.