Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Other Worlds Than These" episode 025.

025: What Just Happened?

I don't often agree with Sean Penn, but his blurb for the book What Just Happened? Bitter Hollywood Tales from the Front Line is right on the money: "[Author] Art Linson sings of Hollywood in a low, guttural, animal wail, alternately hysterical, biting, humiliating, and wise."

Okay, maybe that blurb is a little flowery.

But no matter. Linson knows of which he writes. His production credits include The Untouchables and Heat, but most of What Just Happened? concerns his less successful projects. The book is fascinating from cover to cover, but Linson's take on Fight Club is a high point. Short version: that first screening for the studio executives didn't go so well.

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